About Us
theREMODA is the ultimate online destination for buying and selling secondhand fashion. Founded by fashion industry veteran Olya Dzilikhova in 2020, our mission is to break barriers for small businesses and personal style with an accessible, 360 digital experience. We connect thrift and vintage shops across the country with fashion curators, stylists and buyers, helping them eliminate expenses from marketing and e-commerce so they can focus on what they do best. Join us in the next generation of secondhand fashion where diversity and inclusion thrives.
Why theREMODA?
E-commerce is no longer the future of fashion: it’s now. Fueled by our passion for small businesses and sustainability, we partner with expert vintage sellers to give them maximum visibility for reaching the growing global market. Online shoppers can now discover unique treasures from home with our collection of coveted designers, rare vintage pieces, silhouettes through the decades, and our fashionable community with major influence — all in one place.